Cycling in Sicily

Climbing Etna on a Road Bike: Everything You Need to Know
Often, we find ourselves answering the same question. How challenging is it to climb Etna on a road bike? Etna is the mother of us Sicilians. We call it “the mountain,” but from a cyclist’s perspective, it’s incorrect to talk about the ascent on Etna. In reality, it would be more accurate to speak of the 6 ascents on Etna. Two ascents are on the north side, leading to Piano Provenzana, and four on the south side up to Rifugio Sapienza. What many don’t know is that, whether you decide to climb from the north or south side, to “start […]

Giro D’Italia Cycling Camp 2020 Memories
It has been a crazy year for us. When we started planning the Giro Camp for spring possibly the Covid was already “cycling” around the world but we could never ever expect our life would change in such a crazy way. The Giro Camp was planned for May. We already had several friends who had decided to register for the Camp but then for different reasons (quarantine, fear of the virus and so on) the group became smaller. Some friends will come in 2021. We have offered them to refund their deposit but some said… “No way! […]

Top 5 Tips for a perfect Weekend Ride (if you are not single)
All amateur cyclist will always have to deal with “the problem”. You want to go out for a long ride with cycling friends during the weekend and your partner wants to go to Ikea! Is not that you don’t want to stay with her. Is just that cycling is a time demanding activity. How to survive this? You already know that you cannot do both because after the ride you just want to eat and sleep! Here you can find our Top 5 Tips for a safe Cycling Weekend ADVANCE PLANNING Everything is about planning! If you want to […]

Cycling in Style: dos and don’ts
Yes, we have to admit! We think that style is more important than Watts! If it was not so then we were PRO riders and they simply don’t care if they are wearing a jersey full of logos, if they have to wear yellow fluo together with orange and dark green! In general there are simple rules that we like to follow when we go out cycling. Forgot the helmet at home? Just don’t ride the bike! Bib shorts must be black. Total black! We can tollerate navy blue. Never ever wear long pants with short sleeves jersey! Actually we […]

Cycling Across Sicily
I’m getting older (and even slower). In November 2018 I finally turned 40 and, thinking about me when I started racing and looking at triathletes of 39-44 category, is really strange. I thought: “they are old! they should stay home and think about something else”. But I found out that being slower gives you a different point of view when you are on a bike. Sicily is special in many ways. After 40 years of living here, I still discover hidden gems of beauty where the silence and the sound of your wheels is the only thing that you really […]

World is small on a Bike
Today I want to share a small story about my cycling world. Something that is not supposed to happen. I’m Tommaso and I’m the founder of Sicily Cycling Club. Together with sicilian friends we like to ride our bikes around Sicily and Etna to show how beautiful our island can be on a bike. People think Sicily is about Mafia, Godfathers, Gangsters and Guns… Actually it is not! I know, I love my land as every one else does with his own country. But Sicily is special. Full of contradictions. We were ruled by Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans and many […]